07 Nov 2011
November 7, 2011

3 things that drive customers away

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According to Small Business Trends LLC, and other experts in the field, investing in strong customer service is one asset you can take directly to the bank. Competition today is fierce so why are companies so reluctant to spend on customer service training when consumers today are demanding nothing less? Good question…

Take time to unemotionally evaluate, is your staff driving your business or driving customers away?  Let’s face it, you have competition and your customers know it.  Make sure these 3 deadly sins of aren’t happening at your company.

  1. Not Listening or Only Pretending to Listen.  This is one of the biggest complaints circulating today. Nothing makes a customer feel unappreciated faster than this.
  2. Ignoring. Ignore your customers and they will go away.  Enough said.  The worst is when employees pay no attention to customers actually in your place of business, followed closely by not returning phone calls, not following up either on an issue or after a sale.  After sales contact may be the reason they come back to you.
  3. Over Apologizing and Under Delivering. When something goes wrong apologize once or twice then stop! Customers are really want you to make things right not talk.

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