Think back to a time you recall getting really great customer service. I’m not talking mere efficiency here but a truly memorable experience. It’s typically the not so terrific experiences that stand out, so it often takes something truly remarkable to make a positive encounter noteworthy.  It can also be difficult to pinpoint what made the service you received that day feel so special. 

Making your customer service memorable isn’t difficult it just takes a little time and effort. Here are some practices you can pick up to make your customer interactions as unforgettable as you are.

If you want your customers to remember you…remember them!

Remembering your customer’s names is a small act that has a big impact. Using a customer’s name really takes your customer service up a notch. Score extra points for remembering things about them and their lives.

Make them feel special

Give your customers updates on their status or let them know when their favorite products are going on sale. Throw your customers a bone every now and again and let them know you appreciate their business.  Everyone likes to feel valued.

Give them the gift of respect and courtesy

Sadly, there isn’t enough respect in today’s society and the social niceties known as common courtesies have all but gone by the wayside. Little things like saying please and thank you, holding the door open or walking a customer’s bags around the counter rather than passing them over the top is really all it takes.

Show enthusiasm

You are in customer service so chances are you’re a ‘people person’ who enjoys interacting with others. Let that shine through all the time, your customers will feel you are genuinely happy to see them.

Thank them for their business

Your customers are the reason you have a job so be sure to thank them every time they visit – even if that is every day.