We amass an amazing amount of stats to gather facts about the customer experience. Trust me…it’s A LOT of numbers and facts! Here are the ones you may not know about.
Customer Experiences and Referrals
96% of unhappy customers don’t complain. However, 91% of those simply never return to your business. – 1st financial training services
Customers who were happy with the way their issue was resolved tell 4-6 people about their experience. – White House office of Consumer Affairs
A dissatisfied customer will tell between 7-9 people about their experience. About 13% will tell more than 20 people. – White House office of Consumer Affairs
70% of the buying experience is based on how the customer feels you treat them. –McKinsey
55% of customers would pay more to guarantee better service– Defaqto research
Customer Retention
An average company will lose between 10 and 30% of its customers annually– Defaqto research
A customer is 4 times more likely to defect to a competitor if a problem is service related than price or product related– Bain & Company
Dissatisfied customers whose complaints are taken care of are more likely to remain loyal or even become advocates than those that are ‘just customers’– Strauss and Seidel
Customer Service and Call Centers
91% of all interactions happen over the phone– Gartner
85% of consumers are dissatisfied with their phone experience– Gartner
72% of all customers say it takes too long to get to a live agent– Harris
69% said they were on hold too long– Harris
44% said the information they got was not accurate– Harris
Leadership Stats
71% of business leaders believe that customer experience is the next corporate battleground – Shaw & Ivens
55% of current marketing spent is on acquiring new customers– McKinsey
33% of current marketing spent is on brand awareness– McKinsey
1% of current marketing spent is on customer retention– McKinsey