Would you like to have the right stuff to be successful in almost any field you decide to work in? Exactly what do you think it would take? A positive attitude? Yes. But it isn’t nearly enough. A magic wand? It sure would be helpful…but I’ve yet to find one.

Besides optimism what you really need to do well in any endeavor you take on are some very specific life-skills that work like magic. It used to be that many of these abilities were learned at home, but that’s not always the case anymore. A few of these skills are (kind of) taught in school, but not very well, some others you might learn on the job, but most of these talents you pick up from life experience. The good news is you can learn to do any of these things.

Here’s a list of life-skills that will help you get ahead in almost any company. Sure, you’ll need job-specific training as well, but these skills transfer all professions. PLUS they can enrich your social life, relationships and friendships to boot!

Communicating – People who present themselves well, are good speakers and writers come across as more confidant, intelligent, comfortable with themselves and are more attractive to be around. Whether you’re sending an email, talking 1 on 1 or to a crowd of 500 people, it’s all public presentation. Being able to express yourself is essential to selling products, ideas or yourself – which means more career opportunities for you!

Self-management – This is a broad area. In part it encompasses organizational skills, personal discipline and conflict resolution. You’ve gotta be organized enough to be the most productive you can be at work, manage your time wisely, don’t screw around too much, know how to prioritize your day/projects as well as not letting your personal life intrude upon your working hours, learning to keep your emotions in check and knowing when to keep your mouth shut.

Analytical thinking/Creative decision making – these 2 related skills are what separate the doer’s from the wanna-be’s. We are exposed to so much more today than people were 50 years ago; some people find it a little overwhelming and get stuck. Doing the right thing is non-negotiable. Knowing how to take in a scene, analyze everything that’s going on and finding creative solutions quickly is a skill that is tragically under-taught but it’s essential in today’s fast paced world.

Teamwork – Since so many jobs involve working as part of 1 or more teams and because we spend many hours of our day at work, it’s essential to learn to work towards a common goal with people who have different backgrounds, thoughts, ideas and philosophies than you do. Stay flexible and train your mind to be open to new and different ways of getting things done (you might just learn something!)

Believe it or not…Relaxation – No one likes to work with a stressed out control freak! Not only can stress (literally) kill you but it leads to poor decision making, poor thinking, poor health and poor social skills. So if you don’t take time to relax and recharge many of the skills you worked so hard to acquire get washed down the drain. Plus is it really success if you always feel drained, strained and tense? Taking time to regularly refresh your body and mind will help you take on anything life throws at you and is most debatably the most important thing on this list.