Detach – Don’t take things personally. The biggest benefits of not taking things personally are self-awareness and clarity. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” It takes practice to step back and be an observer of your life, but the benefits are huge.

Observe – Look at the situation as an outside observer would see it. Have you embellished here and there to make this your own version of a story or is this customer using bad behavior to get their way? Are you seeing things as they really are or is your vision skewed?

Evaluate – Take a couple of deep breaths when you finish with this customer, you deserve it!  Then ask yourself: How did this interaction slip out of your control? Did you inadvertently say anything that might be considered offensive and put your client on the defensive? What would you have done differently if you could go back in time?

Taking the time to unemotionally examine how you reacted in a tense situation may not be entirely comfortable the first couple of times that you practice doing so, but over time you will gain more control of your emotions and reactions so that can appear in control, professional  and not feel bad at times when it feels like customers are trying to take you out.


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