14 Nov 2011
November 14, 2011

Change what you can

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There are a lot of things about your job you can’t change.  The good news is your skill level isn’t one of them.  Here are 4 things you can do today to improve your customer service skills and maybe even your bottom line!

Improve your people skills – Continuously improving your people skills will benefit you not only at work, but in every aspect of your life.  So read books, articles, see a speaker, go to training and follow advice blogs… like Ask Ms. Chatterback.

Make customers your priority One of the biggest reasons employees sometimes forget to give outstanding customer care is the feel  like they don’t have time.  Vow to make people, not tasks your priority and do it consistently.  Remember no customers = no paycheck.

Be easy to talk to  Make sure you are listening 100%.  Then respond to what people are ACTUALLY saying to you.  Give them your full attention, your best smile and all the charisma you’ve got.  Don’t forget to have fun it will be good for both of you…trust me!

Be flexible  Though we always think our way is “right” there is always more than one right way to do something.   Remember, your goal is to get the customer what they want, so stay open-minded.  Staying flexible also means thinking creatively rather than just being an order taker.  Customers can tell the difference.

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