We don't have to tell you the holidays can be stressful.  Especially when dealing with customers who are feeling their own stress, some of whom don’t seem to have any interest in being polite themselves.  So what’s a service pro to do to keep sane during the busiest time of year?

Be gentle, not assuming or hurried. This doesn't mean you need to act like a door mat. It does means that when you do something, you do it without pressuring the people and making them feel like they're being pushed into a corner. Its one thing to ask a question or offer your opinion, and yes, it is a bit rude to forceyour agenda on someone .

Be nice. Treat everyone the same way, even when you don’t like them much.  Always be courteous.  Even if someone annoys or even insults you, don't get into an argument. Say "This doesn’t seem to be what you had in mind”  then let it go and start over, If you can’t get over yourself, back off and put the customer in someone else’s hands.  Remember you are representing your company, not yourself personally.

Try not to talk about yourself too much. Do be confident and charming. Don’t hog the conversation. We know you have a lot on your mind too, but look interested and listen to the answers. Don't look over your customer's shoulder or around the room to see who you might be missing. That implies you are disinterested or he/she is not important to you.

Be honest. No matter what you do or don't have in stock. It is always much better to tell the truth. ‘Nuff said.

Never forget to be graceful and show elegance. Carry yourself smoothly, with a sense of calm, yet involved in the moment. People will notice this subtle charm and this will help you greatly.

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