05 Dec 2011
December 5, 2011

Holiday Zen

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What is the simplest way to keep your cool this holiday season?Save time each morning to focus on it.Here’s what we mean.

Leave for work just 2 minutes early.Sounds easy enough, but it does take a bit of discipline. Now here’s the real trick. Take time for it even if you’re running a bit late. When you get to work, don’t get out of the car right away.Yes, you will have to go in eventually, but first, take your found 2 minutes of Zen and focus.

Set your intention for the day.Imagine how you want to interact with your customers, what you will do to turn around that customer who could knock the calm out of your day – and yes….there likely will be one, or two… Once you feel centered, take another 3 deep breaths, smile and go get ‘em tiger!

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