16 Jan 2012
January 16, 2012

Concious acts of kindness

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Perhaps you’ve already had a long workday, or even just an average one, and then in walks a customer who’s clearly having a bad day.  They’re in serious danger of losing it and the strain is showing in their face. This really isn’t what you need right now. So what do you do? Say “I know how you feel” and commiserate about your own hard day? Or maybe you just smile and tell them you’re sorry they are having a tough day. Possibly you even just try to get rid of them as quickly as possible.  

What do you think would happen if instead of taking your usual approach, you went out of your way to perform a conscious act of kindness? What does that mean? Add to your good karma by looking at this person with compassion instead of someone who’s kind of a pain.  Then simply make a thoughtful gesture.  For instance, help them take a breather. Sit them down and get them a glass of water, coffee or tea. If you’re closing for the day, help them anyway, with a genuine smile.  Carry their bags to their car. If it’s a co-worker  whose in desperate need of a kind act, offer to help them with a simple task. You get the idea.  Go ahead – Make Their Day! The satisfaction this will give both of you makes the small amount of effort it took on your part well… worthwhile.

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