10 Sep 2011
September 10, 2011

A good lesson about prejudging customers

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This e-mail from a Minneapolis Minneapolis reader demonstrates why you shouldn't prejudge customers.  This Sales pro really got the last laugh, not to mention the big commission!

Dear Ms. Chatterback,

Here's my wacky customer story.  I work on commission in women's shoes at a department store in the Mall of America in Minnesota. It was a Sunday morning and the mall had just opened.  Business was still pretty slow. A customer walked into the mall from the parking ramp and we all saw her right away.  Mostly becase she was wearing a longish raincoat over  bright colored pajama bottoms and fuzzy slippers. As she approached our department most of the employees made a mad dash for the back room.  Alas, I was the only one on the sales floor.

My first thought was Aaarrrgghhh! But I walked up to see what I could help her with. After telling me what she was looking for, she asked me if I could tell she was in her pajamas.  I really wasn't sure what I was supposed to say, so I just asked her why she was in her pajamas, after all she brought it up. Apparently she woke up really late to drop her son off at an important soccer game.  She decided to stop at the mall for a cup of coffee before picking him up. I grabbed her a cup of coffee  and started bringing her shoes.  My co-workers kept telling me to "just cut her off" after about 30 minutes of running back to the stockroom for more shoes. She ended up buying $1800 in shoes and boots. Not a bad start to the day.  I guess you really never can tell!

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