23 Sep 2014
September 23, 2014

Just say no to office drama

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Do you work with anyone who likes to create drama? You know, the ones who like to yank people’s chain or add fuel to the fire. Even the personal lives of these often charismatic individuals seem heavily peppered with conflict of some variety – and they just can’t wait to tell you about it! Who.. read more →

15 Sep 2014
September 15, 2014

Are you a time waster at work?

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Are you a time waster at work? I know you want to answer ‘Of course not!’ But the truth is we all waste time at work; we’re only human after all. The real question is how much time do you waste at work and how can you minimize your time wasting so you can be.. read more →

In customer service training we always teach the ‘things you are supposed to do’. You know…smile, greet the customer, ask questions, etc. but what we don’t often discuss is WHY we do what we do. If you are working in this business chances are you are not making millions of dollars per year and are.. read more →

01 Sep 2014
September 1, 2014

Are you a good employee?

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Happy Labor Day! In case you were curious – Labor Day was created to celebrate the efforts of American employees who have contributed to the strength, well-being and prosperity of not only their company, but their country. Sometimes when you’re caught up in the day to day business of doing your job it is hard.. read more →

25 Aug 2014
August 25, 2014

The eyes speak loud and clear

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Most people are aware on some level that body language speaks louder than words, But did you know the eyes speak the loudest of all? There’s an old saying that says ‘the eyes are a reflection of your inner self’ and for the most part it’s true. For instance if you’re feeling angry, you can.. read more →

18 Aug 2014
August 18, 2014

What to do when you’re new at work

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Congratulations! You’re starting a new job! You feel excited – and anxious. Being in a new situation is awkward for most of us and it’s normal to feel a bit uneasy when you’re the new kid on the block…you hope you like your new employment better than your old one and although you’re thrilled to.. read more →

11 Aug 2014
August 11, 2014

How to be class act at work

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You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘He (or she) is a class act’. In fact I’m sure you can think of someone right now that you consider a class act. I think of Audrey Hepburn, Sandra Bullock, Will Smith, Tom Hanks or a few people that I have had the pleasure of knowing or working with… read more →

Everyone knows you shouldn’t drink alcohol at work, swear, talk about politics, religion or show up wearing dirty clothes! But what about those unspoken rules that aren’t in the company handbook?  How compliant are you with these workplace don’ts? Don’t forget to separate your social media accounts – LinkedIn is for business. Facebook is for.. read more →

28 Jul 2014
July 28, 2014

Should you wear fragrance to work?

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To spray or not to spray…A hotly debated topic in many offices these days! Whether or not fragrances should be allowed in the workplace ranks right up there with such conundrums as ‘is it appropriate to wear open-toed shoes or sandals on a casual day’ or ‘if it is o.k. to eat stinky food on.. read more →

21 Jul 2014
July 21, 2014

What’s your workplace passion?

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A recent Gallup Poll suggests that only 28% of workers feel ‘engaged’ with their job. How sad to think of the rest of those people toiling their lives away at something they hate, dreaming of winning the lottery, which is likely never going to happen.  If only they understood that a full 40% of our.. read more →