It’s important to keep yourself in the pink this last week before the Christmas holiday. Not only will you be better able to give customers the kind of service that merits a return visit to your company in the quiet season to come (after all, that’s why they hired your fabulous self!)  But, staying positive will keep you happier and healthier this winter, not a bad payoff for making yourself and everyone around you feel good! Here’s a list of last minute service and self-care Do’s and Don’ts to keep you going.

Do greet every customer kindly and quickly, even the ones that aren’t “yours” and SMILE! – We just can’t say it enough.

Don’t be a “lurker” hovering around a customer who is not quite ready is just plain uncomfortable – and a little creepy!

Do offer to set customers’ bags down so they can shop comfortably. Offer them water if you have it available. A small act of kindness like this goes a long way.

Don’t start scouting for your next customer while still working with the one you have now – its offensive.

Do take the time to let the customer know you’d love to see them again. Let them know when the next sale is, etc.

Don’t forget to take your 2 minutes of Zen in the morning to set your intention for the day! – See Holiday Zen (December 5th)

Do get plenty of rest and eat healthful meals. It will help you stay well and keep your outlook festive.

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