15 Aug 2011
August 15, 2011

Listening fun facts

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How well do you listen to others?  Most of us don't listen as well as we think we do.  Here are some fun facts about our listening habits.

  • Amount of time we spend distracted, preoccupied or just plain forgetful – 75%
  • How much information we usually recall IMMEDIATELY  after we listen to someone talk – 50%
  • Amount of time we spend listening to others – 45%
  • How much we remember of what we hear – 20%
  • We listen at 125-250 words per minute, but we think at 1,000-3,000 words per minute – WOW!
  • Number of business studies that indicate that listening is a top skill needed for business – More than 35!
  • Amount of us who have had formal edcational experience with listening – 2% *


* Source High Gain, Inc.

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