Customer service training typically concentrates on a list of do’s and don’ts that are supposed to guide you through any given situation, focuses on leaning sales skills or champions the teachings of the latest training book the boss has read.  Oddly enough in most of these training sessions the customer’s point of view is not.. read more →

18 Mar 2013
March 18, 2013

5 ways to be happy at work

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Many people have rules that make it really difficult for them to be in a good mood at work. The funny thing is these rules only exist only in their head. They use these rules to decide what gets their attention on and how they react to those things. The problem is people let these.. read more →

When you ask employers what they are looking for in potential customer service employees, they will often tell you it is someone with a ‘service oriented attitude’ that they value most. Are you surprised? I’m not. Skills can be taught and experience gained but attitude…well, that comes from within. Oddly enough, when most people are.. read more →

Think back to a time you recall getting really great customer service. I’m not talking mere efficiency here but a truly memorable experience. It’s typically the not so terrific experiences that stand out, so it often takes something truly remarkable to make a positive encounter noteworthy.  It can also be difficult to pinpoint what made.. read more →

25 Feb 2013
February 25, 2013

Make a good impression – everyday

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Three seconds, a quick glance, that’s the most amount of time it will take for someone to sum you up and make their initial assessment of you and your company. And once they’ve formed that opinion it’s nearly impossible to undo. When you interviewed and were initially hired for your position you were careful to.. read more →