02 Jan 2012
January 2, 2012

New Year’s Challenge

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For New Year’s do you always make the same resolutions? You’re going to lose 10 pounds, win the lottery and finally get organized for good.  You start out strong, but then….So exactly what does this have to do with customer service?

We at CustomerSkills  are challenging YOU to resolve to make a positive, lasting change in your customer connections.  Why should you bother?  You already know developing your people skills will benefit you professionally, but having these new tricks up your sleeve can't  help but carry over into your personal life and make 2012 a bit more optimistic all the way around.  Here’s  how to make changes that will stick.

Pick just one thing to focus on at a time.  It could be becoming a better listener, learning how to read people more accurately, choosing to be more in control of your reactions, etc.

Inform yourself by reading blogs and books, attend seminars. Take that information and ACTUALLY APPLY it in your life.

Be aware of how you feel when putting your developing skills to work. Nice huh…

Follow-up:  Log notes to check your progresson your calendar every month, week, whatever works for you. Are you still doing what you said you would? If not, now is the time to get back on track.  Skip this step and you’ll likely have  nothing to show for your efforts but another broken resolution!

Next week: Making your goal a SMART goal.



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