12 Apr 2011
April 12, 2011

How to increase your personal sales

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1. Put down your gavel Stop pre-judging people by appearances alone.  Huge mistake! Customers have been known to “dress down” as to not be “bothered”.  (They obviously haven’t discovered how fabulous you are – YET!)

2. Who are you?  – Get the customer’s name, and give them yours, how are they supposed to ask for you next time if they don’t know who you are?

3. Stop “selling” – Slow down Captain Obvious!  All that eye rolling and heavy sighing is a big sign that you’ve pushed way too far. Be curious about WHO your customer is, not WHAT their transaction is to your bottom line.  Have the customer’s best interest at heart, not yours.  It will pay off for both of you.  No one likes to be “sold” but everyone wants to feel like the most important person in the room.

4. Make it fun!  – Average is SO over-rated! That’s why no one remembers it.  Do something unexpected to create a fun experience.  You’ll make someone’s day and yours too!

5. Attitude of Gratitude – You can’t live a blessed life without counting your blessings. So remember to do it every day, even the worst day has SOMETHING to be grateful for.


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