28 Nov 2011
November 28, 2011

Stay jolly through the holidays

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Is working the holidays making you crazy yet? Keep these tried and true service basics in mind and try to not let the non-stop Christmas songs make you want to pull your stuffing out.

  1. Don’t “stress talk”. Avoid speaking negatively, keep your comments to others, and yourself positive and productive.
  2. I know you’re beyond busy, but remember that this is the perfect time to build your personal business. Let customers use the phone, offer gift wrapping.  Be sure to ask what else you can do for them.  The loyalty that you gain will take you beyond the holiday season.
  3. Say it with style. We prefer “I’ll find out” to “I don’t know” or I understand why you’re frustrated” rather than “You’re right, that stinks.”
  4. Your customers not an interruption. Treat your customers as the most important part of your business, because they are.  Your paycheck depends on it.
  5. When you are busier than you can handle, summon the basic standards play fair, be friendly, exude empathy, control your environment, remember your options, and provided needed information.
  6. Under promise and over deliver. Always pad your time, just in case.  If something will be ready by 2:00 tell the customer 3:00.  Make them happy and save both of you some stress.
  7. Do what you say you are going to do.  Call back when you say you will. Follow up on something if you promised to.  You are only as good as your word.
  8. Express empathy when your customer is having a problem.  Try saying “I know how hard it is trying to get everything done during the holidays.  Here’s how I can help you.”
  9. Treat your co-workers like customers.  Do your best to make life easy for each other. Lean on each other to keep your spirits high and lift each other when you need it.  Your whole team will remain much more jolly.



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