20 Jun 2011
June 20, 2011

The thing about politeness

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You’re having a bad day, your car broke down on the way to work, and your co-workers a jerk, the boss got on your case and your kids? – Well we’re not even going there. So how polite are you to your customers today?

It’s vital that you are ALWAYS polite, in fact, MORE polite than your customers. Polite means you’re good mannered, well spoken, gracious, courteous and polished. Above all it shows respect.  It’ll build your credibility points too, which you can use in turn to start earning the respect of your customers and co-workers. Not always easy when you’ve had a tough day, week or month, but checking your personal baggage at the door is non-negotiable. Sometimes you’ve just got to get over yourself and smile.  And remember, NEVER let them see you stress!

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