14 May 2011
May 14, 2011

Want to have more fun at work?

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How often do you wish you looked forward to going to work? Or at least the time you spent at work was more pleasurable?

You may not have a choice about working for a living, but deciding to have a good attitude is 100% your choice! Here are some tips to help you add some smiles to your day.

Put on your rose colored glasses

Choosing how you want to view your day the first step in making your workplace more enjoyable for you, your customers and your co-workers.  So give yourself permission to lighten up!

Be real

It’s practically a customer service mantra these days, but what does it mean?  You’re a whole person, not just a worker, friend, parent, etc. So bring the best part of you to work every day.  In fact, elect to bring your best self to all the places that are important to you. Good things happen when you let yourself shine.

Share the feeling

Include others around you when spontaneous fun breaks out. Everyone wants to be a part of a good time!

Make someone’s day

A tried and true way to lift your spirits is to help others. Look for small ways to make someone’s day a little brighter.

Do good see good

What gets recognized gets repeated.  So make sure to acknowledge the happiest moments of your day and focus on recreating positive experiences.

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