What is your idea of good customer service? Think most people’s concept is the same as yours?  Think again!  If that were true, you’d want to turn cartwheels of happiness every time you had contact with a business. Oh Joy! I get to call Tech Services! – Right…

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if you’re “walking your talk”. Better yet, discuss them with your team.

  • Why you believe in your company’s products or services? – If you truly don’t, it may be time to look for a new job.
  • How do you present a professional, approachable image?
  • Specifically what do you do to help maintain a professional, yet friendly environment?
  • Do you greet customers sincerely and warmly? How do you create rapport? Show appreciation for their business?
  • What are your standards for getting the customer what they need or suggesting something else to the customers benefit?
  • How do you go above and beyond “just doing your job”?
  •  How effortlessly and efficiently do you finish today’s business?
  • How often do you thank the customer and invite them to come back?


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