12 Dec 2011
December 12, 2011

What matters to customers – YOU!

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MSN’s 5th annual survey of customer service is out and it confirms what we at CustomerSkills have preached since day one.  YOU are what matters to the customer and YOU are why they come back. 

Here’s the proof. Notice that all of the top reason’s that customer’s say matter to them have to do with the staff – not the stuff, and by quite a large margin at that! Take a moment and bask in the knowledge that what you do is important, and that you make a difference in people’s lives! 


What customers say matters most:


Knowledgeable staff 47%

Friendly staff 14.7%

Service after the sale 12.5%

Readily available staff 12.4%

Flexible policies for returns 8%

None product is all that matters 2.8%

Not sure/other 2.6%


Want to read more?  Here is a link to the article 



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