Have you ever noticed how polar opposite people’s attitudes are when they are working? In the very same workplace people either exude gladness or reek of misery. If you haven’t detected this phenomenon before check it out the next time you are out and about, take a minute to observe the people who are working and it will become apparent pretty quickly that people fall on one end of the happiness scale or the other; there really is no middle ground, which I find really odd. So what is it that sets the super-happy people apart from those that are not?
Job satisfaction research can be traced back to the early 1900’s. It all began when managers noticed bored and tired assembly line workers made more mistakes, they wanted to figure out how to help boost employee morale…so they could decrease the amount of errors that were occurring and stay competitive. For decades organizational psychologists have been trying to find out what boosts our mood at work but the truth is there is no easy answer to that dilemma because it’s a bit different for everyone. They have discovered some really cool advantages that occur when people feel more joyful, for instance though they don’t know exactly why or how happier people find more energy. They also are sick less often and tend to earn a higher paycheck, pretty terrific benefits for simply feeling better! If you would like to reap some of the benefits of working happier yourself, here are some things that you can do to help you smile from the inside out:
Stop griping! One of the biggest things that stands in the way of people’s workplace happiness is all the complaining. Whether you do it yourself out of habit or frustration or you are just listening to your co-workers bemoan the unfairness of their situations, add gossip and rumors to all that grousing and it makes a really difficult environment to build up a good case of cheerfulness in. When you purposefully distance yourself from all that negativity and refuse to participate in it, you’ll naturally start to feel a bit lighter.
Build bridges. Humans are wired to connect with others. Get to know your coworkers and customers; find out what you have in common, it will make for a much less boring work day and you’ll likely make some professional and maybe even personal friends.
Help others when you can without expecting anything in return. The joy you get from helping others always comes from a place of selflessness and helping others is a proven mood booster, you’ll feel good because you are able to make a contribution outside of your normal scope.
Take a break. In this gotta git ‘er done kind of world it’s tempting to just work straight through your shift and skip taking a break. Maybe you tend to eat at your desk or grab a bite in the back room between customers. In truth, you’ll be much more productive and feel more contented if you take a formal break every day. Get away from your workplace – even better if you get outside for a bit. Customize your break time to your personality. If you’re extroverted ask a co-worker to join you for lunch or a quick walk outside. If you tend to be more introverted find a quiet place to be alone to recharge. Take a solitary stroll, work crosswords or play sodoku to relieve any stress you may have built up.
Remember that the way you feel is largely a choice. Decide you will be happy then do what you can to create an environment for that feel-good mood to flourish!